Freeze your diabetes, infections and tumors with Lemons

Believe or not, lemons are one of the most beneficial fruits out there. Their unique flavor allows them to be added to many different recipes. But, when juiced, the lemon loses a lot of its nutrients in addition to an important part of its medical potential. So what’s the best way to have a lemon and reserve its benefits at the same time?

Freezing it.

The secret of the lemon lies mostly in its peel. Yes, this peel that you’ve been throwing away most of the time have more benefits than the fruit itself! In the matter of fact, lemon peel contains up to 10 times vitamins than the fruit juice. These vitamins, in addition to other nutrients found in the peel will allow every tissue and cell in your body to regenerate and help your body detox. On the other hand, this magical peel will strengthen up your immune system, regulate your cholesterol level, treat some bacterial infections, regulate your blood pressure, and also have the power to make you feel better using its antidepressant effects that’ll shake your stress and anxiety away!

And here’s the best of them all, did you know that health experts said that the lemon’s skin is more powerful than chemotherapy! How great is that! Not to mention that unlike chemo it has no side effects, this is cause unlike chemo, lemons only target the cancerous cells and leave the healthy ones alone. Studies have shown that lemon peels can destroy the cancer cells of 12 types of cancer among which one of the deadliest – prostate, colon, pancreatic and lung cancer.

The lemon peels contains compound, that are a thousand times more powerful than ADRIAMYCIN – a drug mostly used in chemo– . Pretty sure you’re wondering why no medical compound using lemons was made to cure cancer up till now right? Well, in a world where money comes first, the answer lies unknown.

So from now on, get the whole lemon , rinse it properly – it’s preferred if you apple cider vinegar to wash and disinfect them – , place it in a zip bag , and put it in the freezer. Once frozen, grate your lemon up, the whole thing with the pulp and seeds, and voila there you have it, a bag of magic! You can then easily add this grated lemon to whatever you’re cooking or serving. This will make your recipes healthier, and most importantly taste better.
A simple fruit , an extraordinary benefits.

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