Top 5 Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Have you ever wondered what the best benefits are for vitamin C health and how it helps the human body?

The health benefits of vitamin C are many, and these benefits have been widely known for centuries. Vitamin C can help boost the body’s immune system, prevent premature aging and improve gum health. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a type of water-soluble vitamin that is regularly needed by the body.

Some of the major health benefits of vitamin C include the following:

  1. Antioxidant properties
    It is one of the major health benefits of vitamin C. Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C contain large amounts of antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body (which are responsible for cell damage).
  2. Prevent colds
    Do not use vitamin C to cure common cold. However, this water-soluble vitamin can help prevent the cold and other conditions associated with it, such as pneumonia and pneumonia. Regular consumption of oranges and lemons in the form of fruit or juice can strengthen the body and protect against viruses that can cause seasonal colds.
  3. Boost the Immune System
    White blood cells are considered the defender of the body against bacterial invasions and any kind of infections. However, white blood cells require large amounts of vitamin C to function properly. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain adequate amounts of vitamin C daily. Note that vitamin C deficiencies can lead to a weak body susceptible to various illnesses and infections.
  4. Treatment of infections
    Vitamin C is also helpful in treating various breathing problems, such as colds on the chest, asthma and bronchitis. It is also beneficial for the lungs as it can dry the mucous membrane during an infection. Vitamin c can also cure UTI or urinary tract infections.
  5. Formation of Collagen
    In the human body, an essential long and fibrous structural protein (collagen) exists and its primary role is to help the tissues develop. In the case of abnormalities, it can lead to various medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, inflamed blood vessels, aging, gout and rheumatoid fever. However, all these conditions can be easily prevented if the collagen can regenerate quickly. The consumption of large amounts of ascorbic acid is necessary for the body to function properly in collagen and to keep all collagen deficiency conditions in the right path. Collagen also helps slow down the aging process, so it is beneficial for those who want to maintain a younger skin.

All of these vitamin C health benefits are extremely important and can be easily obtained by including some fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C
Note that excessive intake of vitamin C can also have negative effects. Avoid this by making sure you follow the recommended dietary allowance or RDA.

  • Children from 0 to 6 months – 40 mg / day
  • 7 to 10 months – 50 mg / day
  • 1 to 3 years – 15 mg / day
  • 4 to 8 years – 25 mg / day
  • Children 9 to 13 years – 45 mg / day
  • Teenage boys – 75 mg / day
  • Teenage girls – 65 mg / day
  • Women 19 years and older – 75 mg / day
  • Men 19 years and older – 90 mg / day

Lactating or pregnant women, on the other hand, should have a dose of 100 to 135 mg daily of vitamin C and 100 to 135 mg per day for regular smokers. It is always better to consult a doctor who can recommend the right daily intake to you before starting a vitamin C diet.

You cannot produce vitamin. You can only find it in external sources. Just consider including some of the best fruits and vegetables in your daily diet: lemons, oranges, papaya, gooseberry, grapefruit, broccoli and cabbage. Avoid storing or cooking these products as much as possible to prevent the vitamins from flushing. Eat it fresh or raw if you could. The health benefits of vitamin C are almost the same as the health benefits of oranges. The regular intake of these fruits can therefore also be useful for the body. However, if these sources are not enough to fill the void, you may choose vitamin C supplements, but discuss them with your doctor first.

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